"Hence we may learn that whatever changes a godly man passes through, he is happy because God, who is unchangeable, is his chosen portion. Though he meets with temporal losses, and is deprived of many, yea, of all his temporal enjoyments, yet God, whom he prefers before all, still remains and cannot be lost. While he stays in this changeable, troublesome world he is happy, because his chosen portion, on which he builds as his main foundation for happiness, is above the world, and above all changes. And when he goes into another world, still he is happy because that portion yet remains. Whatever he is deprived of, he cannot be deprived of his chief portion; his inheritance remains sure to him. Could worldly-minded man find a way to secure to themselves those earthly enjoyments on which they mainly set their hearts, so that they could not be lost nor impaired while they live, how great would they account the privilege, though other things which they esteem in a lesser degree were liable to the same uncertainty as they now are! Whereas now those earthly enjoyments on which men chiefly set their hearts are often most fading. But how great is the happiness of those who have chosen the Fountain of all good, who prefer Him before all things in heaven or on earth, and who can never be deprived of Him to all eternity!"Jonathan Edwards, from his sermon "God the Best Portion of the Christian" on Psalm 73:25 "Whom have I in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire besides Thee."
Love the blog! And the pictures of VA made me miss home and camping! I am glad that you had such a special time with family before your move here. You most definitely can link me on your blog and I will do the same. I am praying for you and looking forward to seeing you on this side of the ocean!
I am Crystal's aunt and I teach music at Newark Christian School in Newark NJ. Our school is part of World Impact where we are missionaries to the inner city. I will be eagerly reading your blog and will pray for your progress as well. I had no training as a music teacher but am a singer, a mom, and was in charge of the music dept in a christian book store. We had our first concert in May and it worked.
I will pick your brain for ideas. Welcome to the family.
"Aunt" Ruth
I should have said I am PAUL's aunt and I did get corrected. (o: Just goes to show that we love in-laws equally in our extended family.
Thanks Aunt Ruthie for loving me as your own! By the way, it wasn't me that corrected her!
Hey Catherine! Welcome to Blogspot. I look forward to seeing you in Thailand soon. When are you leaving? Gracyn is excited about you becoming her music teacher! Fun stuff.
I so miss you....still Courtney and I are trying to get the song PERFECT so that we can send it to you. We tweaked it up a bit so it sounds good well i gotta go make my lunch for school...
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