Sunday worship
Well, I've just now found a good way to get online here. I don't yet have internet/DSL at my apartment, and every other time I've tried to get online other places to post or send emails, I've run into problems. Yesterday, I went with Bob Johnson and two other men (new teachers who live in my building) to look into getting DSL. That was quite the cultural experience and one from which I think I'm supposed to learn how to be patient and flexible as a missionary! The short end of it was that after 3 hours of going to 3 different stores of the same internet provider at 2 different malls (and lots of waiting in between), I think what they said is that they'll call us in a week! So it might be a while. In the meantime, I discovered I can get online at school.The past few days have been so full. Full of running around, shopping, unpacking, visiting old friends and meeting new ones. I'm finding my way around this area a bit better and am beginning to feel more settled in. I still have more shopping and decorating to do before I'll post pictures of my apartment but it's at a liveable point now, which is good because starting tomorrow, I plan to focus on getting my classroom (classrooms - more on that later!) set up and lesson planning done.
But as the title of this post suggests, I was going to write about this morning's worship with the MTW team. How wonderful it was! We met in the New Community office (where I taught English and did JOY Kids last summer) and Dad and I led music, while other members of the team led prayers and confessions and Dave Veldhorst preached. The team has multiplied since I was here last summer and 8 interns (6 from the U.S. - who are all leaving this week - and 2 Thai men from a seminary in Bangkok) were here this morning, so we really filled up the larger room on the second floor. It was so good seeing and worshipping with them again!
It was also a joy and blessing to sing by Dad's side. Those times, I know, will soon be extremely infrequent. He chose "For You Are Holy" (from Sovereign Grace's Awesome God kids' CD) as one of the songs to teach the team, and we invited the children there to come up and help lead the echo. Halfway through the song though, I started crying. Image after image went through my mind of this past year - beautiful images of all the kids at Pinewood during chapel singing (many with their eyes closed and arms uplifted), of my mom worshipping next to her Kindergarten class, of me teaching the chapel singers the harmony part in the choir room. I almost couldn't finish the song. How God has blessed me this past year at Pinewood! And how much I miss my church family there!
At the same time, if possible, I am looking forward to being here this year. I can already tell I'm going to love worshipping with this body of believers (which would make this now the 3rd church I've fallen in love with!). Dave is a excellent preacher, but also clearly has a pastoral heart. And the entire team has been so welcoming and hospitable and kind to me already. Almost all of them have made sure I had their phone numbers and let me know that I can call if I ever run into language questions or need anything. We already eaten with the Henry's twice, and they have been such amazing servants to us. Crystal has told me several times in the last few days that she/they are here to serve us - which is rather unbelieveable to me! She is so humble and servant-hearted. The whole team is, as well as many of the people I've met from the school. I guess that makes sense: that God would call very humble, servant-hearted people to reach this very humble, servant-hearted nation with the gospel. I just wonder what I'm doing here amongst them! I guess God knew that someone as hopelessly selfish as I am would need to be completely immersed in a entire country of selfless people for me to learn my lesson. Please pray that I would grow to be like Christ as they are.
Thank you again for praying. God continues to uphold, bless and love on me in this transition.
Dear Catherine,
As soon as you mentioned you started crying while leading the children in worship, I too started to cry...because I was so thankful that you are there with Paul & Crystal but also because I am so excited for you to be there but also because I know how homesickness can catch unawares and yet the Lord will be your strength and you guide and your comforter. You are where He wants you to be.
love, helen
It was great to see you got there safely and are immersed in settling in!
Your church family here misses you, too! I finally moved your orchestra notebook out of your cubby (I didn't want to!). Although I am just as apt to put it back tomorrow morning!
We had some great worship today, also. You missed getting to hear Kelly Scheff sing Worthy is the Lamb (she gave me goosebumps!). Warren did a great job of leading hymns, and we did a fair job of following. Phil's sermon was on Philippians 4:6-7. He had us repeat after him, "Worry about nothing; pray about everything!"If I didn't know it was just in its place in the series he's doing I would have thought this sermon was just for your Mom (with you in Thailand)and me (with Dav heading to UF)!
Do know you are being prayed for often! I can't wait to hear how God will use you and grow you as you minister to your students and those around you!
Singing His Praise,
PS. This is the first blog I have ever found & seen! I'm looking forward to checking it frequently! It is really weird to think you are already in tomorrow!
Dear Catherine,
I cried too when I read about you singing by your dad's side. When we moved from PA to FL in anticpation of moving to Thailand my Dad and I did a mini "concert" at a local church, the night before we left. It was the last time I sang with my dad and I remember breaking down in the middle of a song. The pastor was so gracious and reminded the congregation of all the emotions, etc that was going on with me and my dad. I can truly relate to how you must have felt yesterday. I am glad that you have that memory though and I am sure it will be tucked away somewhere deep inside for the rest of your life.
Oh, and I want to clear something up...we're all here learning to be less selfish...believe me! But, I do want you to know you are family now...and you know what that means. You will see the best and the worst of us and Lord willing we will grow together in the Lord and rejoice at the work HE accomplishes thru us all. We are so happy to have you Catherine. God bless you~
Hi Catherine,
It's great to hear that you made it to Thailand safely, and you're getting settled in. I looked you up on Skype, and found your blog address from your profile.
People from Westminster have been asking how you're doing, and if you've made it there safely. I hope everything else is going well with you. Tell Paul and Crystal I said "Hi".
Dear Catherine,
We sure miss you! You are going to do a FANTASTIC job in Thailand! We are sorry that we missed saying "Good Bye".......for now anyway. Abbey wants me to tell you that "you will be a good teacher to the kids!". I am thankful that she got to spend time with you and see your love of music. I hope it rubbed off on her :)
Love, Michele Wensell
Yo! I didn't know if your e-mail was up and running, so I decided to contact you here first. Write me when you get it! First of all, I'm soo glad you made it there safely! I've been praying for you! Second, I miss you! I miss everyone at home, and you more than that because I'm not going to see you when I get home! But I'll be counting the days to Christmas. Third, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Keep me posted of EVERTHING thats happening!
All my love,
Ich Liebe Dich (I love you)
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