Thursday, January 04, 2007

Arrived Safely

After traveling for almost 30 hours through the airports of 3 different country's capitols, I have arrived back in Bangkok safely. The first things to greet me upon arrival were the warm air, the wonderful smell of the city's pollution, and several airport workers asking me if I needed a taxi, saying that they could get me a "deal", taking me to my nearby apartment for 700 baht (to which I replied, "700 baht?!" "Or else you will have to wait in the long queue downstairs to get your own taxi." "I'll wait." Which I did for less than 10 minutes and saved myself over $10.) Yes, I'm back in Thailand.

Thank you for your prayers for my safe return. Although I had been rather nervous before leaving due to the recent bomb scares in Bangkok, God gave me His perfect peace as I traveled and took care of me the whole way.


At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe you're back so quickly!

But I'm glad you made it safely. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a great new Year back home! I was so glad to see you. I can't wait to make some stir fry... ;) Thank you so much for the gift!

Hopefully, you'll keep us up to date this semester as well. may God protect you and give you much strength for this semester!

At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alleluia! Amen! I know your folks are relieved that you arrived safely. Pinewood had a fire drill today and we were all standing outside together and wondering if you were back and trying to figure out the time factor (THEY were trying - I've given up on it!).
It was GREAT seeing you while you were home! Try to get some rest before school starts - do you do a spring musical????

At 3:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cath - it was so good to see you! And catch up on your life and heart's thoughts... I love you! Glad you're back safely! - Elizabeth

At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh....I am so glad you arived safely!

Yeah about the fire drill...They couldn't get the alarm to turn off so we didn't go to science class for like a whole 5 minutes because it was to loud.

Well I was sooooo glad I got to see you for Christmas.


At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are back safetly.

How much time do you have before you start back to classes?

Try to get some rest!

love, helen

At 7:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catherine, you are always in the Redeemer's hands. Wow 300 students. We know that He is there with you, above you, below you, in front of you, beside you and inside of you. My prayer for you is that you will see Him. He is Alpha and Omega. He is from the beginning of history and he is at your end and everything in between. He will never leave you or forsake you. Serve Him to receive more of Him. Love in Him, Debra Warren

At 1:05 PM, Blogger evab said...

We miss you! Lydia said she had not realized how much she truly missed you until the first time she hugged you. Remember LOTS of grace during this transistioning time. I remember being at the border, waiting to cross back into Mexico and having crazy thoughts of jumping out of the van and running right back to Texas!!!Jason is ever so glad I never acted on that impulse:) Check out Jeremiah 32:38-41.The Lord rejoices in you and desires you!

At 6:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know your in my prayers...


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