Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I Got a Pet!

Actually, 6 of them. Six small, brightly colored, female tropical fish. They are very pretty and hopefully will all adjust well in their new little home (which is sitting on top of the end table beside the Thai-style lamp in my "living room").

I must admit, as cute as my little girls are, I bought them primarily for utilitarian purposes. They are mosquito-eating fish. When I did the internet research on mosquitoes, I discovered on a "natural" solutions website that a safer way of getting rid of them, as opposed to insecticides, would be to either keep chickens, lizards or fish. Since taking care of chickens seemed a bit, um, impractical in my one-room 4th floor apartment and having a lizard around was a bit undesirable to me personally (although my friend next door had a gecko - not on purpose! - for a few months and didn't have any problem with insects), I decided fish were my only option. Tonight I went out to dinner with several people and the restaurant we went to seemed to be in the middle of the "pet store" district! (Well, not really, but there were several pet stores around!). Afterwards when everyone else was looking at the husky puppies, I inquired (through my Thai friend) about the fish and before I knew it, I ended up with 6 fish (buy 5 get 1 free!), fish food, a small tank and an oxygen pump.

I'm very excited about them - although now I have to think about the great responsibilities of fish-keeping: feeding twice a day, cleaning the tank, getting a fish-sitter when I go out of town... But if it gets me a full night's sleep, I'll be happy. This week I'm 3-0 for getting bitten in the middle of the night.

I'll post a picture soon! : )


At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwwww....the ittle fishies! Awww sooo cute! I luv the fishies! Actually...Mr. Sutton just hooked our class up with a fish tank he's gonna get little Nemos and a puffer fish...and MAYBE a dory! (I love the movie Finding Nemo!) "Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...what do we do? We swim, swim, swim!" He he! Well so much for bug spray in th squirt gun...anyway, i can't wait until the holidays i am soooo excited that you're comming back!well...gotta run!
I <3 Ya,
~Rachel~ :)

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catherine ~

Have you named them????

Your cello notebook is loaded and ready for you!

At 5:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


as to those pesky are you doing now that you have the fish...have you tried that neat mosquito zapper racket thingy that they have over there? I thought that was so cool and you hear the ZAP! as it "gets" the mosquito! Try it if you haven't already. they are really inexpensive and may help you in your quest to rid yourself of those pesky little critters.


At 7:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catherine this is Pam Sherwood. You have been on my heart and since I didn't have your email address or knew how to find out if you had created your "blog spot", out of desparation I took a chance and called the old phone numbers I had for you. I was so excited when Megan called me. Her voice sounds like yours on the phone. I have been reading your posting this morning and want to encourage you. Since we met you have had a dear place in my heart. I envy that you are in a place that you are soooo very much needed and able to share God's love and salvation. It may not seem like much to you but reading your postings it is obvious that God is using someone from his Harvest (you) to plant seeds. I look forward to reading more about your Bangkok adventures. My prayer is that you will stay encouraged. And mosquitoe free! haha My love to you, Pam


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