Friday, January 12, 2007


I think I might have a new roommate. His name is Sam and he's been living with Jen next door, but they must have gotten in a fight while back because he left her place before Christmas. The last few nights he's been lingering outside my door with an eager look on his face. I had intended to be a good girl and leave him out in the cold (er, shall we say elements?), but today he got in somehow.

My Thai friend Nok was over for a late breakfast and while we were talking, her face suddenly brightened and she said, "Oh, you have a gecko too - just like Jen!" I whipped around to see where she was pointing. "What?!" I exclaimed. "No, he would be new." My first thought was how much I wished Clint or Will were here to kindly dispose of him for me (or even Lady - although she's not very humanitarian in the way she gets rid of geckos!). [I'm not much of a gecko (or even bug) catcher. When alone, I take more of a "You stay in your space, I'll stay in mine" approach to them - then I leave the room.] But then I thought, "Wait - this could be a good thing." My place seems to have grown a new crop of mosquitoes and little spiders since I left for Christmas break. I'm hoping Sam and I might be able to strike some sort of deal: he eats my pestilence, I let him visit every so often. I'm not sure how I feel about him staying the night though. So far he's mainly hung out in the kitchen area of my apartment (typical guy). I'm just hoping he's not planning on getting cozy tonight! We'll see if I can get any sleep...


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