Saturday, March 24, 2007

Friday's chapel

Quick update for all my wonderful readers who pray!!

Last Friday's chapel went very well. It's hard to know the outcome of the gospel that was shared, but it was shared, with lots of Scripture in the message, and the students seemed to listen a lot better than they typically do (usually there's a lot more talking between music and memory verse and teaching, etc., something that frustrates me a bit and really makes me miss Pinewood's chapels!!). The music also went very well and I think the closing song ("The Gospel Song") was very powerful. The music seems to be impacting the lives of the students, which is something I hope to elaborate on soon. Thank you for praying for that morning!

Also, I think I've seen ONE mosquito in my apartment this entire week!! And that was only this morning. They have mostly left and I have been sleeping very well.

As we used to say when I did CEF, you must be righteous because God answers your prayers! (James 5:16b)


At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


As I read through all your recent entries, I could not help but cry/laugh at how the Lord has answered my prayers for do have ministry at school but I have also been praying that the Lord would give you a specific ministry with the MTW team and He has! I would love to do something like that but am afraid I would not have enough nerve! You truly are an encouragement!

love, helen

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miss Catherine,
Thank you for the "answered prayer" update. I LOVE how the Lord has answered everyone's prayers. This is all one big way of opening my eyes on the great and mighty the Lord really is. Through your mission work not only have the kids in Thailand grown closer to Christ, but I have too.
Love ya,


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