Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Beautiful Sounds...

...that I've been enjoying recently. : )

*the tinkling of the windchimes hanging from my balcony as I go to sleep and my neighbor's windchimes that I pass on the walk to school each morning.

*giggles from my younger students when they hear the end of "In the Hall of the Mountain King" by Grieg (listening selection of the week). It's so fun that they enjoy this music and catch the humor in it!

*cello etudes coming from the second floor apartment in another building in my complex that I pass by. The apartment belongs to Sam, our token ICS cellist, and I often hear him practicing by an open screen door as I walk home in the evenings.

*my Middle School string classes when they play in tune and all together (which they are doing more often these days!). Reminds me of when "Jack" (Joshua Daniel) observed in class a few years ago that "it sounds really good when we all play together". That was one of my "YES!" moments as a teacher! : )

*2nd Grade singing out on "Standing on the Promises" and 1st Grade as they sing all those 4- and 5-syllable words in "Indescribable" so well! The looks on their faces are just precious when they raise their hands to the words "You are amazing, God!"


At 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminds me of when "Jack" (Joshua Daniel) observed in class a few years ago that "it sounds really good when we all play together". That was one of my "YES!" moments as a teacher! : )...ha ha ha! :] Anyway, cute blogggg. :] Oh, and just a quick you have mesquitos at your new appartment???

Love ya,


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