"Musician in the Rain"
I've been wanting to take this picture ever since coming to Bangkok. This is my imitation of the poster on Mr. Bjella's (my cello professor at Stetson) wall. The real photograph was a black and white of a man in a raincoat, standing beside a street in Paris, France. Well, this is my SE Asian rainy season version, complete with palm trees and roosters in the background!
And speaking of the rainy season, the weather here has been overcast and dreary, if not outright raining, ever since I returned in August. When I was at home this past summer, my grandmother told me that every time she looks at Bangkok's weather in the newspaper, it shows a raincloud. Well, it's true! It rains and/or storms just about every day - sometimes in the morning, more often at night. The good part about it is that it's a bit cooler than it would be otherwise; the downside is that I often end up wet! The last 3 nights we've had some of the most intense lightning storms I've ever been in. I sat in the dark last night just looking out my glass windows and doors, awestruck by the power of God. The shots of lightning were almost blinding and the storm went on for at least few hours...
You are so beautiful.
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