Cool Season

The last few days have been full of Thai "firsts"...
Sunday was the first time I have ever felt cold in Thailand. I took the bus to church in the morning, and sitting by the open window with the wind coming through as we bumped along the roads, I found myself quite chilly (I was wearing pants and a short-sleeved shirt). Although it warmed up throughout the day, it was a nice sensation to come back to my apartment around noon after walking a few blocks to and from bus stops and not feel sweaty!
Then yesterday morning, it was very cool when I woke up. I took a hot shower and then actually wanted to blow dry my hair (something I have kind of given up on the last few months because it's been so hot) and wear hose to work. When I got there, I pulled on my button-down sweater, which has been draped over the back of my desk chair and not been worn since arriving.
Last night was the first time I've slept (most of) the night without either the AC or my floor fan on (most of the time I use both!) - and I still woke up chilly and did the whole "hot shower/blow drying the hair" thing again.
"So, how cold is it?" you ask. I looked up the forecast online yesterday morning. The lows for this week are in the mid-60s!! (Granted the highs are upper 80s or 90.) I couldn't believe it! I didn't think it ever got this cold in Bangkok! Thursday the low is supposed to be 63! How exciting! The whole thing has caused me to be in a very good mood recently. : ) (Although it's also been the source of a head cold I seem to have contracted yesterday - either that or my K4 class! - and the reason I've been drinking Airborne the last few days.)
My students, however, are not as thrilled as I am over the low temperatures. I'm on morning duty this week (something I actually really enjoy doing because it allows me to see my students in a more relaxed, less formal, non-classroom environment and get to know them better) and it was pretty funny seeing their reaction to the cold weather yesterday morning. They were all shivering, wrapped up in (very light) jackets and snuggling close to each other, their parents and even me (which I didn't mind at all). I heard many say, "I'm freezing!" Pat, especially, cracked me up with her purple ear-muffs. She sat at the table, hugging her self and groaning (in her very Thai accent), "I'm going to die!" So funny! : )
We started today at 32 degrees! With frost everywhere! When I drove into the Pinewood parking lot there was so much frost that it looked like a light covering of snow!
Glad you've got some cooler weather.
How is Sam?????
Those ear-muffs are the most adorable things I've ever seen. Yeah, pinewood is pretty much frosty we get on the ramp and we slide down it in the mornings! I was talking about how freezing it was with the guys in my class when I realized we think 40 degrees is cold and the people in Colorado think -40 degrees in cold! (Yes I am a bit exagerating...I can't spell either) Good question how is little Sam your little Thai giceo geco? Well I am glad you are having fun in the chill!
Those earmuffs and tufted hat are so cute!!!!! -Elizabeth
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