Monday, October 15, 2007


Just after the "high" of International night when we celebrated our school's diversity... This morning I was changing the seating arrangment of my 2nd grade class for the 2nd quarter (hard to believe we're 1/4 of the way through the school year already!!). When I told one of the Thai boys to go and sit by another boy, he made a face and sat down only halfway on the chair, as far away from the other boy as he could possibly get while still being considered in that chair. One of the girls in the class (who enjoys pointing out the misbehavior of others : ) said that this boy didn't like being around the other boy - because of his dark color. It made me so sad (and angry!). Boy #2 is a precious Indian student with a perpetual toothless grin. It grieves my heart that those feelings even exist at our school, but the longer I work here, the more racism and "separatist" attitudes I see in our students. I didn't respond to the whole thing very well today in class - I was so taken aback I didn't really know how to respond - but it really seems like it's an attitude that I can't change anyway. God needs to do a work in this boy's heart and in all of our hearts to give us a true love for those who are different - and only He can make that change.


At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catherine ~
It is always sad to see that type of attitude, but especially in one so young. Keep in mind, though, that when there is such an attitude in a youngster it is most usually behavior copied from adults in the child's life. You DO have an impact, though, because YOU are also an adult. When YOU demonstrate Christian love to both these boys - at some point they (and others) will notice it - and it will dawn on them to wonder why - and check it out! Although ultimately only God can change their hearts, He can use your witness to bring that about!

With love,

At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I agree with Leslie. Who says you can't change someone's heart? That's Satan telling you that. Through you loving Christ, attitudes can change in the most astounding way. God can USE you completely and wholely. Don't let the devil deceive you that only God can change hearts. God is the only one, but that doesn't mean He can't use us for His glory!


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