Thursday, October 25, 2007

Our Omniscient, Omnipotent God

God has shown Himself powerfully to my 5th Grade class, just like I asked Him to! Just a few minutes ago, I was cleaning up the string room, straightening the chairs in my anal way, and I saw some instruments lying around that students had failed to pick up for the weekend. I decided to check the labels on the cases, as I've done the last few weeks, to see if God had answered my prayer to return Boom's violin. I must admit, the last week and 1/2 I've been pretty discouraged about that whole situation, about our administration's decision to not replace his instrument, and even a little disappointed in God for not answering our prayers as a class and my own frequent prayers to bring his instrument back. But encouraged by the Hudson Taylor biography I've been reading a little more of recently, I decided to keep praying and keep looking. And God proved Himself worthy of my faith and waiting on Him! I found a violin with Boom's name all over it lying on the floor of the string room, just where he said he had left it in the first place. It obviously hasn't been there for weeks and I have no idea how it got back to that location, other than that perhaps God Himself brought it back. I picked it up, opened it to make sure the violin was still actually there and then raced up to one of the 5th Grade rooms to check with Boom to see if there was something I didn't know. He was as surprised as I was and the whole class cheered and clapped when they heard the good news. I was able to share with them this work of God and God's love for us demonstrated through it and then we all stopped to pray and praise God together (I totally interrupted poor Ms. Marina's social studies lesson to do all this, by the way - although I don't think the students minded!). So exciting! My heart is full of praise!

While I had been cleaning, I had a CD of chapel music jamming in the music room and one of my favorite songs on that CD was on, one that speaks of God's greatness and power. The chorus is "This God, He is Our God, forever more and ever more. He'll be our guiding light from now until the end of time. Alleluia." I love it because it's almost feels like bragging when singing those words. That's what I feel like doing right now: bragging on my God!


At 6:38 PM, Blogger evab said...

Amen to that, sister!!!

At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been checking your blog everyday for this news! Praise God!

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise God!!!! What an awesome story of His answer.

By the way, you are beautiful in the pictures on CH's site!


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