Friday, August 10, 2007


As I sat just now pondering as to how to start this post, the words "my cup overflows" passed through my mind. Truly the Lord is my Shepherd and has not allowed me to be "in want" in the last 2 weeks since I last wrote. I have been filled with such joy and excitement on my return to Bangkok this time - so much so that I keep thinking about how strange it is that I would be so happy and I wonder if this is a fluke or something and if soon I'll be struggling again! But for many days now I've just been thrilled to return to this "second home" and be starting a new school year. It's been so fun to reconnect with my friends and church family - last week at church I was almost giddy to see everyone again! I'm enjoying my new apartment immensely (I'll post pictures as soon as I finished getting it all set up) - I like not being on campus and being surrounded by "green" so much more than I thought I would. And I've been amazed all over again at the hospitality and closeness of the community God has given me here. In 2 weeks I've hardly eaten a meal alone! God has poured out His love and provision for me through so many here.

It's been good - and actually not too stressful yet - getting back to school/work. I'm excited about some new items in my classroom (the biggest of which is a piano!!! It's so nice to have a "real" piano to myself now!) and also been excited about different ideas I have about things I want to teach my students this year. But the greatest part about this year so far is that I'm not a first-year teacher (at ICS) anymore!!!. The difference is unbelievable! So many things that caused me tremendous stress and confusion last year are not even issues this year. It's SO GOOD to come back to a classroom, school, co-workers, students and city that I'm familiar with and know how to function in. Not that there's not plenty more to learn or grow in, but everything's not new anymore. I coming to see all over again why people stay in jobs for more than one year.

Another blessing has been my times with the Lord. I've had a little more time in the mornings to spend in prayer and Bible-reading and God has been so good to meet me there at those times. While I haven't been as stressed or afraid (yet!) of this school year, I have been very sobered by my need for God's direction and help and wisdom as I plan out the next year. I feel like God has put me in a good place of dependence on Him. It seems like every need is being met in His presence. All glory be to my Shepherd!


At 4:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw. I'm so glad that you are doing so well! :] We are all praying for you! I miss you!

At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


We are all praying for you and I know that HE will do great things with you this year in BKK.

I also heard that this Sunday was awesome and that your music ministry was a special blessing.

love, HelenH


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