The last few afternoons I've realized that there are many activities that I've been involved in this fall most of which I've never written about on my blog, all of which are great opportunities for God to work if He so chooses and which I have been feeling the need for prayer in. So, in case you needed more specific things to pray for me about (hint, hint), here's your weekly guide as to how to pray for Catherine!Monday ~
At the beginning of this year, I began praying for 3-4 private students to teach on one afternoon a week after school. Last year I was so busy with other things that I didn't want to fill up even more time with extra music teaching, but then I missed that one-on-one time with students so much that I really wanted to add it back into my schedule. However, knowing that it could add up fast, I decided not to "advertise" but asked that God would bring me the specific students (and their families through them) He wanted me to teach and get to know and that their schedules would work with mine. I now have 2 piano students, both 2nd Grade girls, and one 3rd Grade boy cello student. One girl, Jenny, is an MK (daughter of one of the teachers at ICS); the other, Sunny, is Taiwanese and, if I'm remembering correctly from a conversation I had with her homeroom teacher last year, she and her family are Mormons. The boy, Lyon, is Thai and I'm assuming Buddhist. Yesterday I noticed he was wearing an amulet necklace with either a little image of Buddha or a monk inside it (I didn't get a close enough look). These are really popular here and are sold everywhere. I tried to ask Lyon what it was or was for, but he didn't really want to talk to me about it. He just said his dad gave it to him. Anyway, all 3 students have delightful parents/mothers and work hard and are progressing well in their instruments. Please pray that they will know Christ, though, and that I might be able to point them (and possibly their parents) to Him.
Tuesday ~
Recently a few of my 7th Grade violinists asked me if they could meet to practice in one of my rooms after school (an answer to my prayer!). 2 are in my Strings class - the most advanced by far in that class - and one is so advanced he's not even in my class (which is probably a good thing!). Last week they asked me to play the cello part in one of the quartets they are working on. They all sounded so good that it was really neat to play with them and exciting to play more difficult music. They certainly are challenging me musically, however!! From the practice logs that they turn in, I'd say they practice an average of 2-3 hours a day (I haven't practiced that much since college!). So that's good and again, fun to think about the musical possibilities there. But again, another opportunity to get to know them and spend time with them and find out where they are spiritually.
Thursday ~
A few weeks ago I started Thai language tutoring! I'm so excited! My teacher, Khru Awe, who used to work with the MTW team but is now teaching Thai at ICS, comes highly recommended. She's taking me through the same textbook that Paul and Crystal went through in Lop Buri, so it's very systematic. From the first two lessons, I've come away both encouraged and a little overwhelmed - encouraged by the amount of vocabulary that I've been able to pick up on my own over the last year, but overwhelmed by how poorly I've been pronouncing everything and by how difficult the language is to learn! But I've been practicing and it's been neat to already be able to communicate with the Thais around me better.
Friday ~
I mentioned that last year Katy Veldhorst and I were meeting for the beginning of this year I asked her if she wanted to continue that and if so, in what format, and she asked if we could open it up to 2 of her other (best) friends to join. So now there's three (all now Freshmen in HS), the other two girls being the daughters of ICS teachers. We've met a bit sporadically due to crazy schedules, but the times we have had Bible study, it's been so much fun and so encouraging to me personally. All three of these girls are amazing and incredibly mature (spiritually and otherwise) for their age. I've really felt like I have nothing to teach them and they've already taught me some things, but it is a joy just to meet and study the Word and hang out together. Last Friday one of the girls asked me several questions she had after doing her devotions that week. What questions! I wanted to say (and did start to...), "Yeah, I've wondered the same thing!" But at the same time, I felt like God gave me some answers to share about what I've learned about those things over the years and, while it probably didn't answer her questions completely, hopefully it shed some light on the subjects at hand. Between these girls and my students at ICS, I've been super challenged in my own study of the Word. I need to know it so much better than I do!! Pray that I'll be more disciplined in that area and that God will give me understanding so I can better teach others.

Saturday ~
I've continued to go to Maahathai on Saturday afternoons this year and the kids there continue to be a delight! I feel like I've been able to get to know them a little better, especially as I'm learning to communicate with them in their own language and their English improves through the English lessons. Recently we've had a lot more kids show up - ones that I've never even seen before - so that's exciting too! Many of these kids also come on Sunday to Thai worship or hang out at the office throughout the week and a few have professed faith. It's so awesome to see God at work in their lives! The best part about being there is probably to be an observer of that work and of the Thai Christians (MTW interns and my friends!) who teach them - and of course, being the recipient of hugs and cuddling from the kids!
So, I am being challenged and obviously have a lot of growing to do in all of these things. Please pray for those mentioned, when God puts it on your heart, and ask that God would pour out His grace on all of these dear people in my life!
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