Last Monday I met with my principal to give her my "letter of intent." I told her that from what I can see at this time, God is leading me to stay another school year (2008-09) at ICS.I had been sensing that this was God's answer for a few months, but somehow it was still a hard decision to make (thus one of the reasons I've waited almost a week to write about it here - I've been too sad to want to announce it!). Although I felt a complete peace regarding staying during the months of October and November, December hit with all its holiday memories and Christmas concert stress, and I've been overwhelmed by homesickness. So the thought of being away from my family and home church for even longer is a little hard to bear.
But praise God that He is bigger than my heart's emotions and is able to speak sure words into my confusion, sadness and fears. He did that through wise counselors in my life who were able to sort through my emotions and show me what is true in the midst of them. He spoke to me through situations, answering my questions and needs through them and graciously allowing me to see His work here. But even more amazingly, He spoke to me through His Word! I am now more convinced than I ever have been that the Word of God is living and active (Heb. 4:12). So many of the specific questions that I brought before the Lord, He answered directly through His Word, and in my times of fear and doubt, He very graciously spoke His promises to me again, showing me that "He who call is faithful" - He will supply all my needs and better yet, His presence will indeed be with me as I remain here.
But lest I give the impression that only sadness has resulted from this decision...I am very excited to stay and minister in Thailand. As I mentioned before, this year has been totally different from last year and I feel so much more settled, able to understand my students and serve here better without the stress of having to figure out how to live life all over again! Much of my reason for staying is because I want to "build" on what I've started in the relationships I have with my students (and kids at Maahathai). I really feel like I'm getting to know them as people this year and I want to continue that. In addition to that, overall (aside from the continued homesickness!), I am very happy in Bangkok and blessed in my work, friendships and church. God continually shows me what an amazing family I have amongst the team here and through them he has given me many substitute brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews. And lastly, He is growing me. I am continually stretched in my faith and challenged to know and love Him better. He has been causing me to rethink many things and grow in my understanding of how the gospel relates to my daily living and thinking as well as what it means for the people of Thailand. So God has been good and I trust He will continue to act lovingly as He fulfills His purposes for me.
Carolyn and I think your "intent" is wonderful and we believe you are making a good decision. The concept of building on the foundation already established is a valid one and we are sure God will work through you to do His work.
Duane Steiner
Miss Catherine,
As much as I am going to miss you, I believe that you are making a good decision. It has been SO cool over the past year and a 1/2 to see God work through you to reach and touch not only the Thai people, but also your Pinewood "family" at home. I hope to hear of all your intresing and exciting adventures over the next year! I miss you!
P.S.- I can't wait to see you home for Christmas!!! :]
Oh, dear friend! I, too, believe your "intent" is wonderful! Looking forward to hopefully grabbing a cup of joe and hearing more.
Hooray! So thankful for you, Catherine.
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